President Peter Tawse
Treasurer Brett McNee
Secretary Melissa Homewood
Membership/Registration Brett McNee
Junior Coaches Ava McNee, Ella Homewood
Intermediate Coaches Scott Kelly, Sarah Pham, Lachlan Altman, Peter Tawse
Youth Coaches Lee Watts, Scott Kelly, Peter Tawse
Bowen State High School Hockey Coach  -  Boys  Development Team & Girls Team Peter Tawse, Lachlan Altman, Callum McNee


Want to get involved?

There are a number of roles to be filled within the Bowen Hockey Association. The majority of these roles are done on a voluntary basis by committedd and passionate people who are proud to be a club member. If you are interested and want to get involved, please telephone Brett - 0411 167 738 / Peter - 0437 476 361 or email us at . We look forward to talking with you about supporting our great club!

Major partners

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