
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started


Please register below!

For new players, click 'register'. If you have previously registered with the club to play hockey, click 'renew'

If you have any questions you can also email us at: or speak with a committee member.

See you on the field soon!


  1. All player registrations must be paid online.  Cash payments are not possible.
  2. No Pay, No Play. No player will be permitted to play in Bowen Hockey competitions / programs until registration fees are paid in full.
  3. Come & Try sessions are FREE, no player fees appliy for these sessions. 
  4. Players 5-17yrs  may be eligible for the "Fair Play" voucher grant from the Queensland Government to assist with fees of up to $150. Check if you are eligible and apply here Fair Play Vouchers
  5. Player fees comprise of Hockey Australia, Hockey QLD fees, Bowen Hockey Association player contributions. No other fees are payable throughout the season. These fees cover player insurance for the both indoor and outdoor seasons and must be paid in full prior to players taking the field.

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